Thursday, March 29, 2012

Accent Wall

What you are looking at here is: our entry way... the front door is on the right of the picture, the hallway is on the left, and I am standing in the living room.

Finally with some time on my hands, I measured and taped off my stripes.  The big area is 12" and the small stripe is 6".  (BIG Thanks to my mom and Ross for correcting a few slanted lines)

I used the same grey that is in our living room to fill in the lines.  I studied a few different painting techniques, but basically taped it off, ran my fingers along the tape to seal, and painted in strokes starting on the tape to the wall to make sure the paint didn't leak into the tape.  (BIGGER thanks to my super artsy sister, Karen, for brainstorming ideas on how to attempt can check out her blog here.)

And of course all the tape.
VOILA!  The finished product.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Finally finished with my chairs, and I think I like the outcome.  Here is what I was working with:

My mom gave me some great chairs, but the colors weren't really workin for me.  So, after some research, I decided to re-do them.  Step 1- prep and prime...
Step 2: spray paint. I went with a dark grey gloss. 
Step 3: I took a Faux Glaze and added black to it.  I applied 1 coat and wiped it with a damp rag to get the look I'm wanting.

Step 4: Enjoy the finish product.

Here they are against my table.  Stay tuned for the finishing touches...a rug underneath and lighting above.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Our Jungle

Creating a jungle in our backyard wasn't exactly on our to-do list.   We didn't have a lawnmower right away, and once we got one, it rained for what seemed like eternity.  So our grass (just in the backyard, thank goodness) was about knee high!
This morning, my wonderful husband attempted defeating this beast!  I took a quick video before heading off to work.

GRASSias, Ross

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend in Galveston

My Dream Table

Since we bought our home, I have had an idea in mind about how I want my dinning room to look.  I really want the room to be centered around the table, for it to be the heart of the home.  So I started dreaming up tables, finding pictures on pottery barn (way out of my price range), and blogs of "HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN".  A little discouraged in how long it would take to find/make a table, this weekend brought to me the table of my dreams.

My mom and I traveled down to Wisteria Dallas to check out their flea market sale.  They have a beautiful store/showroom in the front, and as you wonder to the back, it is like a warehouse resale items.  I spotted a table instantly; it was exactly what I had envisioned.  Looking at the price tag, I was a little discouraged to see $1,099 marked down to $1,000.  Still a good price for the table, but not the greatest discount.  Well after some thought, I decided to go with it!  As the lady was ringing me up she turned to me and said "I think I'm about to make your day."  I looked up really confused as she continued..."the total is $433.00."

Ummm, what?!  After shouting a little, and staring at the cashier like she was crazy I turned to yell half way across the warehouse for my mom.  Obviously, they don't take their markdowns till at checkout, which took me a while to understand!  I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the table, or the steal!

Enough talk, here is our beautiful "farm table" in our dining room:

I have to give a big thanks to my dear friend Jordan Granthem (who has an inspiring blog herself!), for recommending Wisteria Dallas to me.  She had some amazing finds herself.

Currently working on the chairs for the table.  I've got some awesome hand-me-downs from my parents that I'm in the process of refinishing.

~Cheers to an awesome sale~